Nutrition Programs
Meals at Bay Ridge Center - March 2025 Menu
Here at the Center, we have a spacious dining room; we offer a hot meal Monday - Friday
at 12 pm. The nutritious meal consists of a protein (such as meat, beans, or dairy), a whole grain (such as wheat bread, whole wheat pasta or brown rice), a vegetable, a fruit, a juice, and milk. The members really come together as a family and enjoy a meal together and socialize over their meal.
Takeaway meals at Bay Ridge Center
Pick up time is between 10:30am and 11:30am, Monday - Friday. Come to the Center to grab your meal at Bay Ridge Center, 6935 Fourth Avenue.
To eat-in or take-out, you must call in advance to make a reservation.
Please call 2 days in advance if possible: 718-748-0650
Bay Ridge Center's home delivered meal program
For millions of Americans, Meals on Wheels is literally the difference between remaining in their own homes and needing to relocate to a nursing facility. The nutritious meal, friendly visit and safety check help them cope with three of the biggest threats of aging: hunger, isolation and loss of independence. Research proves that when seniors have the right support, they gain greater quality of life, need fewer hospital stays and live longer.
Bay Ridge Center is proud to offer Meals on Wheels services to our community. Please contact Catholic Charities directly at 718-680-3530 in order to initiate Meals on Wheels service.
More food options
► FRESH PRODUCE GIVEAWAY, Bay Ridge Community Development Center
Bay Ridge Community Development Center has partnered with several organizations; such as, Islamic Relief USA, Turkish American National Steering Committee (TASC), and the NYC Mayor’s Office to provide the community of South Brooklyn with fresh produce, groceries, hot meals, meal packs, and much more. See their website at the link above or their Facebook page.
► COMMUNITY PANTRY, 8018 5th Avenue, Bay Ridge
Stop by any time to pick up some extra, nonperishable food supplies. Look for the big red cupboard. The pantry is made possible through the goodwill of neighbors and donations can be dropped off 24/7 too.
The Salvation Army Bay Ridge Corps has Food Pantry programs.
Find your closest food pantries and community kitchens on the Food Help NYC map (in the search line, type in “Bay Ridge” or your neighborhood).
For urgent food and hunger needs, call 311 and ask for the Emergency Food Assistance Program. You’ll be provided with hours of operation and directions to the nearest food pantries and community kitchens.
Everyone is eligible for emergency food assistance, regardless of immigration status or how much money you have.
If you often need help buying food, use ACCESS NYC to see if you’re eligible for
SNAP (food stamps) and other benefits.