Your donations make a difference!

Please use any of the methods below. Gifts of any size are welcome and
support all of our programs for older adults in southwest Brooklyn.

Make a donation.

Give online securely via our online form

Mail your contribution to:
Bay Ridge Center: 411 Ovington Avenue Brooklyn NY 11209

Call us with a credit card donation, (718)748-0650 ext.115

group trip to gallery

Group walks and trips are part of our program. These BRC members visited a neighborhood artist’s gallery.

Other ways to donate to Bay Ridge Center

​Amazon Smile

Choose Bay Ridge Center as your charity
on the Amazon Smile website

Vehicle Donation Program

Vehicle Donations are a unique and impactful giving option that helps Bay Ridge Center support older adults in southwest Brooklyn. Your unwanted car, truck, boat, motorcycle, SUV or even plane can be accepted as a donation. Your generosity qualifies for a tax deduction, and we’ll do all the heavy lifting. The pick-up is free, and we’ll schedule it during a time that’s convenient for you.

Call 844-411-5768 now or
visit our Vehicle Donation webpage
to get started!