Get To Know Me: Nicole Rossetti
When I first started college, I had a professor who dedicated his life to his career as a therapist and professor of psychology. He taught us the baselines of psychology but he also gave us insight as to how we can become clinicians who care. He would recall to us times when his client’s insurance would no longer cover their visits to therapy so he decided to see them free of charge because he knew they needed more help. That is what inspired me to not only pursue this profession, but also to conduct myself with humanity, benevolence and empathy.
I am inspired by the work that social workers do on the daily. They make an impact on numerous levels. There is micro work, similar to what you will see me doing at the center when we have a one-on-one encounter. There is also mezzo work which impacts the community around us. Finally, there is macro work which targets government and policy and advocates for change on a larger scale. Becoming a social worker will grant me the privilege to make an impact on all these levels, making a difference one person at a time. I hope to meet as many of you as possible and my wish is that we can work together to better our mental health because health is wealth!
I can be found at the center Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. I will also be hosting a peer support group called Reflect and Connect on Wednesdays from 1-2pm. I invite you to Come share self-reflection, thoughts, and connect with peers to build relationships and gain social support. So far, I have learned so much from working here. Everyone has so many unique stories to share. The members have demonstrated how important it is to immerse yourself in a diverse environment and the need for inclusion. I have also learned how crucial it is to have social support. At the center, you will not only meet peers, but also an array of outstanding staff members and interns. There are always fun activities, games and groups to join. I am looking ahead with positivity and looking forward to working with you all!